- Notch the post
- Use a hardware cap
I've got to get on the horn with my local development office. I've read that notching is not up to code in California due to earthquake concerns. It's also a concern as a water collection point, which could lead to rot an instability.
The CCQ caps above are crazy expensive though. The CC66HDG is $83 at homedepot.com, which would be about a thousand dollars for a 12 post deck. Ouch.
UPDATE: In the end, I settled on using the BC series.
Mine are the BC46Z here at Amazon, which they also have in 10 packs over at Amazon. That is in the Z-Max series, and works with 6" posts and 4" beams, which is what I am planning to use. They average about $8/ea with shipping for me, and provide about 1000lbs of lateral load support. Should be an excellent addition.